1 accommodations

Accommodation Kysucké Nové Mesto

Pensions Elizabetha

Penzión Elizabetha

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Elizabetha Guest House is located right in the historic center of Kysuce New Town, on Nobelí Slobody.

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Accommodation Kysucké Nové Mesto

Accommodation Kysucké Nové Mesto

Kysucké Nové Mesto is a district extending in Žilina. The city is the cultural and economic center Kysúc and is one of the oldest cities. Its visitors the city attracts surrounding countryside as well as numerous historical monuments.

Kysucke New Town A great number of historical monuments and the historic core of the city, which is one of the most valuable monuments district Čadca. Also interesting is the visit to the Church of the Immaculate Conception and the Parish Church of St. James, which is a Gothic building dating from 1284. Next to the church is the parish cemetery, where lie celebrities city. The historic buildings include the former rectory, built back in 1332 and Toll called. manor house, which in the past used to be mayor. Breathes history and brewery on Jesenského street, coming from the 17th century. Interesting town is a birthplace of poet Andrew Majer - Dlhomíra Polish with a commemorative plaque. In other parts of the city we can find the Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is located in Oškedre and currently belongs to the parish of snowshoes. In the town of Dubie can visit bell tower and chapel. Lovers of artistic creation Paul Muskat can visit the private gallery, which presents the formation of other artists. Interestingly Kysúc is also Radoľa Manor, dating from the 16th century.

Visitors to the city can be observed as white storks, which are the heart of its nest, and they can be seen from implantation, feeding to the teaching of the flight. Lovers of space and stars can visit Kysucká observatory, which administered a quantity of information in the field of astronomy.

When you visit this interesting city, you can stay in an elegant guesthouse Europe as well as in hotels and guest houses in this neighborhood Markíza.

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